Likia T. Hawkins, President & CEO of Steel Point Solutions selected to Serve as a Panelist for INSF and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS) in Recognition of Black History Month.

INSA (The Intelligence and National Security Alliance), a leading nonpartisan, nonprofit trade association for driving public-private partnerships to advance intelligence and national security priorities, selected Steel Point’s own President / CEO Likia Hawkins to serve as a panelist as INSF and WCAPS present, Challenges and Opportunities of Black Women Within the Intelligence Community. Mrs. Hawkins, an accomplished Corporate Executive and Technologist, is one of three, “Accomplished black women from the IC public/private sectors” chosen by INSA to serve on the prestigious panel. The virtual program will be held on Thursday, February 10, 2022, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm ET and include keynote remarks by Debra Smith, Former Deputy Assist Director FBI. For more information about the INSA event and to register to attend (It’s free) , please follow the link:

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